“Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your dreams or goals.” – Unknown Humans need shortcuts to survive. Our brains create habits because we literally don’t have the capacity to focus on everything all the time. We only have a limited capacity for attention and focus every day. The more decisions and actions we can make automatic, the more mental energy we have left to direct to things that truly matter. Now more than ever, we’re constantly bombarded with information: news apps, social media, fitness trackers, weather updates, health metrics, and notifications about all these things. Add to that the input we get from the physical world (interactions with other people, our work, the physical spaces we spend time in), and it’s no wonder our brains rely on shortcuts to navigate it all. While these shortcuts serve you, always relying on them without reflection can lead to a life that's misaligned with your evolving values and goals. What’s important to you changes over time. If you live automatically, your lifestyle may not evolve with you. In my last few years of teaching, I was miserable. I felt stuck and stagnant. I wasn’t supported or growing in my job. My days were robotic: get up on the third alarm (yes, three alarms because I dreaded starting my day), eat the same breakfast, put on my "uniform" (jeans and one shirt I owned in multiple patterns), and head to school. I’d get there early, not because I needed to, but because it’s what I had always done. After work, I’d either go for a walk or, more often, land on the couch until bedtime, getting up only to reheat my meal-prepped dinner—the same one I’d eaten every night for years. Weekends weren’t much better. I’d often “rest,” which really meant hours in front of the TV (hate to break it to you but…that's not rest). I was in a rut, restless and bored, but I didn’t understand why. All I knew was I couldn’t stand it anymore. So, I blew it all up. Within eight months, I ended a serious relationship, moved and bought a house, quit my job, and started a business and master’s program in a new field, with the hope that these changes would fix how I felt. While the novelty shook things up, it was ultimately overwhelming and didn’t address the root cause of my dissatisfaction. Sure, I was ready to leave teaching and maybe had outgrown my little apartment and the relationship with my ex, but I probably didn't need to make all those huge changes at once. The real issue was the smaller habits and lifestyle choices I’d never questioned. I was still living the lifestyle I'd created five years earlier when I was in survival mode as a new teacher. Wearing the same clothes and eating the same meals simplified my life when I needed all my energy for teaching. But as I grew and gained experience, I no longer needed to expend so much energy at work and had more for myself, but I never used it for myself. Massive changes didn’t fix the foundational habits that no longer served me. So what could I have done differently? And what can you do if you’re itching in your life–feeling stuck, discontent, disconnected, meaningless, frustrated? How do you know when you’re stuck in habits that aren’t serving you? Start with mindfulness. Pay attention to how you feel and think about your life. Are you experiencing dis-ease in your job, relationships, home, and general lifestyle? These feelings are signs something needs to change. Then, redefine your values. Your values—beliefs about what’s most important to you—influence your actions, thoughts, and emotions. They evolve as you learn and grow, so reevaluate them periodically. Reflect on what matters to you right now. Checkout my free guide, Life in Alignment, A Practical Guide to Living Your Values, to help you unlock your core values and take the first steps toward designing an aligned life. Create or revisit your vision for optimal health and life. Based on your values, imagine the life you want. Assess how you’re currently living in relation to that vision. Make changes. Adjust your lifestyle to align more closely with your vision and values. Remember, this process is simple but not always easy. It’s the small, consistent actions—not the occasional big moves—that shape your life and how you feel about it. Living in alignment with your values brings fulfillment and purpose. When you’re out of alignment, you may feel lost, aimless, or unmoored. Are your actions today reflecting the life you want to create? If not, it’s time to pause, reflect, and realign. If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, remember: it’s not about doing everything or being who others expect you to be. It’s about figuring out who you are and what you want, then taking intentional steps to build an aligned life. As a Well-Life Coach, the first thing I do with clients is help them define their values so they can build lifestyle systems that are aligned with the things that are most important to them in life. My coaching programs are designed to give you one-on-one support and accountability through a customized program to help you build healthful foundations in all areas of your health, from exercise and nutrition to community and emotional well-being. You learn and implement simple systems and habits to transform your health and life. If you're interested in exploring how we can work together to support you on your journey to a well life and living easefully, let's hop on a free 20-minute clarity call. On this call, we'll discuss your goals, your challenges, and whether or not Well-Life Coaching is the right support for you.
There’s a vision I hold for my life, and it no longer includes being remembered for being a martyr.
I don't want my children to grow up saying, “My mom was so strong because of everything she survived.” Instead, I would want them to say, “My mom was so happy, so peaceful. We had so much fun and love in our lives.” For as long as I can remember, I’ve operated in a state of doing, creating, making, and forcing—a very masculine energy that's aligned with capitalism and patriarchy. I’ve poured myself into every task, every dream, every attempt to build the life I desire. When I’m constantly in this energy, I end up feeling exhausted, dejected, and disillusioned because I’m so focused on things working out exactly the way I envision them, and that is a recipe for disappointment. When thing things I’m trying to create don’t come to fruition, I’m left questioning everything: Am I chasing the wrong things? Am I not worthy of the life I dream about? But when I pause and reflect, I see the truth: It’s not that nothing has worked out; it’s that life has been working for me in ways I didn’t initially recognize. Throughout my overachieving life that hasn't gone according to (my) plan, I’ve gained invaluable clarity. I’ve iterated on ideas, honed my vision, and learned what aligns with the life I want to experience and what doesn’t. Even though my business doesn't look exactly like I want it to or I haven’t found a loving partner (yet), I’ve been deeply supported in other ways. I’ve built and strengthened friendships, found the right place for me to live, gotten healthier, and just generally felt better about life. Through these experiences, I’ve realized that growth really about achieving—it’s about who we become in the process. And right now, I’m learning to embody a truth that I know on a soul level: We are all one, fully sourced and supported by a divine source, and guided toward our highest good when we allow it, no matter what is happening or not happening in our lives. So what does it mean to "allow"? Allowing isn’t about giving up or letting life happen to us. It’s about surrendering to the flow of life, trusting that the universe is conspiring in our favor, and making space for divine timing. Take driving in traffic as an example (some of my best analogies come to me while driving 🤣). Have you ever switched lanes repeatedly, trying to outsmart the flow, only to end up right next to the car you passed minutes ago? It can be maddening! Sometimes, the harder we try to control the outcome, the more stuck we feel. When we relax and trust that we’ll get to our destination, we conserve energy, reduce stress, and often arrive more peacefully. Life is like that traffic. Yes, we have agency to make choices, but when we overdo it—constantly switching lanes, questioning our path, or trying to force results—we end up feeling frustrated and disillusioned. Allowing doesn’t mean we stop moving altogether; it means we tune into what feels right, take intentional action, and trust the rest to unfold in the way and timing it’s meant to. As purpose-driven women, it’s easy to fall into the trap of overdoing. American society celebrates productivity, hustle, and achievement (all associated with masculine energy*). But the feminine energies* of allowing, receiving, and being are equally important, especially for those of us seeking to create lives filled with joy, ease, and love. (*A quick note on feminine and masculine energies: this isn't a comment on gender expression. We all have access to both energies and must embody them both for a balanced life.) For example, think about planting a garden. You can till the soil, plant seeds, and water them. But you can’t force the plants to grow. Growth happens in the quiet, unseen moments—when the seeds are allowed to rest, germinate, and be nourished by the earth. Your role is to create the conditions for growth and then trust the process. One of the challenges of allowing is that it feels counterintuitive in today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected world. Social media pulls us into comparison mode, and our negativity bias (an ancient survival mechanism) tempts us to focus on what’s wrong rather than what’s right. But how can we cultivate practices that support us in allowing more, like mindfulness meditation and gratitude, without turning them into yet another to-do list item, which would be antithetical to the concept of allowing? Balance. While some structure is necessary to guide our focus, especially as we start out, true mindfulness (which is necessary in order to allow) arises from being present with what is. For instance, instead of forcing a daily gratitude practice, try simply pausing throughout your day to notice moments of joy or connection. Maybe it’s the warmth of your morning coffee, a kind word from a friend, or the way the sunlight filters through the trees. Gratitude doesn’t have to be written down or planned—it can be felt in real-time. Similarly, mindfulness can be woven into daily activities. Washing dishes can become a meditation on the sensation of water on your hands. Walking can become a practice of noticing the rhythm of your breath. Leave your headphones at home and allow yourself to be fully present to what you’re doing in the moment. These moments of presence help anchor you in the now, where peace and trust reside. Ultimately, allowing is about discerning when to act and when to let go. It’s knowing when to switch lanes and when to stay put. It’s trusting that even when the road feels slow, you’re still moving forward. So next time you’re stuck in traffic—literally or metaphorically—remember this: You don’t have to fight your way through. Choose your lane, trust the flow, and know that you’ll arrive exactly where you’re meant to be. Life isn’t a race; it’s a journey, and the beauty lies in the unfolding. By embracing the art of allowing, we can reclaim our peace, reconnect with the divine, and create lives filled with ease and alignment. Let’s stop forcing and start flowing. After all, the destination isn’t just where we’re headed—it’s how we feel along the way. Baby steps will take you to the top of Mount Everest as long as you keep taking them. - Mary Morissey Imagine this (or maybe you don’t need to imagine because you’ve been living it): You’re tired, frustrated, and stuck, so you finally decide to make a change and now you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Inspired, you commit to eating better, exercising daily, overhauling your sleep routine, drinking more water, and, well, changing everything at once. You dive in headfirst, energized by the possibilities. But then, reality sets in. The excitement starts to wane. The changes feel overwhelming. You miss a day, then another, and before long, you’re back to square one. Sound familiar? I’ve been there, and let me tell you—it’s not your fault. The problem isn’t you; it’s the approach. When I first started my own journey to better health, I fell into the same trap: all-or-nothing thinking. I’d decide to get back to working out, so I’d go hard at the gym for my first workout back. Then, I’d be so sore for days that I couldn’t move, and when my body finally recovered and was ready for another workout, my mind was over it. Or I’d start a really strict diet and last for maybe a month (usually way less) and then give up and binge all the foods I’d deprived myself of while on the diet. I’d try to overhaul my entire lifestyle, only to end up frustrated and burned out. It wasn’t until I embraced a different mindset that things started to shift. The key? Starting small. By breaking big goals into tiny, manageable steps, I found a way to make progress without feeling overwhelmed. This approach leverages neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to adapt and form new connections. When we try to do too much at once, our brains literally don’t have the capacity to focus on all the new things we’re trying to do. When we focus on small, consistent actions, our brains gradually rewire to support new habits. Here’s what I learned: Lasting change isn’t about doing everything perfectly from day one. It’s about doing something—anything—and sticking with it. At the start of 2024, I set a goal to improve my nutrition. My goal was to plan and prep two meals per week. Pretty simple, but not necessarily easy. This is what I had to take into account:
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says, “The process of building habits is the process of becoming yourself.” Each habit you adopt is like a suggestion for your identity. Do you like the person you’re becoming? Meaningful change doesn’t require radical shifts. Instead, small habits provide evidence of your new identity. Bit by bit, these micro-evolutions compound into significant transformation. One of the most liberating lessons I’ve learned through this process is that there’s no finish line in the journey to better health. The goal isn’t to achieve perfection overnight; it’s to make steady, meaningful progress over time. There’s no final destination except for the end of life, so why rush? By focusing on long-term progress rather than short-term wins, you free yourself from the pressure to "fix" everything right now. Instead, you can enjoy the journey and celebrate small victories along the way. Remember, choosing health often means letting go of habits or activities that no longer serve you. It’s not about deprivation—it’s about making room for joy, energy, and fulfillment. If you’re ready to make a change, here’s your homework: Choose ONE habit to focus on. Let everything else go for now. Break the habit into the tiniest steps possible. Put it on your calendar and set reminders. Celebrate each small win. These victories will reinforce your progress and keep you motivated. I’ve been in your shoes—overwhelmed, tired, and confused about how I’m supposed to be able to do it all. The key is to not do it all (at once). For me, it's taken years to transform my lifestyle, and I know this journey will continue for the rest of my life. But it's been so worth it. Each small step has made my life more easeful, more joyful, and more fulfilling. You have the rest of your life to figure this out. Start with one thing, break it down, and get into action. Build from there. Transformation begins with a single step. Whether it’s drinking more water, meditating one minute, or walking five minutes a day, every action matters. Over time, these small steps compound into a healthier, happier, more vibrant life. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection or speed. It’s progress. Take ownership of your health, embrace the journey, and celebrate each victory along the way. You’ve got this! My invitation to you Annnd all of this is easier said than done. It can be hugely beneficial to sit down with a coach to set aligned goals and plan out all the action steps you can take to build systems for easeful living into your life. If you're interested in exploring how we can work together to support you on your journey to a well life and living easefully, let's hop on a free 20-minute clarity call. On this call, we'll discuss your goals, your challenges, and whether or now Well-Life Coaching is the right support for you. How many years have you failed to achieve your New Year’s resolutions? I know I certainly have many times. Or maybe you’ve given up on resolutions completely because you’ve never managed to achieve one.
For years, I failed at my resolutions. Here’s how it went: I’d sit down in late December or early January with a brand-new notebook and think about everything in my life that made me unhappy. Then I’d imagine the opposite and write it down as a resolution. Sometimes, I’d scroll social media or Google “New Year’s resolutions” looking for other people's resolutions and add to my list anything that sounded cool or worthy of social praise. Once my list was done, I’d close the notebook and not look at it again until December when I’d inevitably feel bad for “failing” my resolutions. This didn’t work for two reasons:
Here are some of my worst resolutions:
So what does it actually mean to make a resolution? A resolution is something you resolve to do. It implies both an intention and a commitment to action. Most people focus on the intention but miss the action plan. Instead of actionable goals, their resolutions are dreams. I want to lose 10 pounds. I want to find a partner. I want to save money. These are nebulous, lack personal meaning, and aren’t actionable. They fail to set you up for success because they’re missing two key elements:
So the answer to clear, meaningful, successful resolutions is to figure out what it is you want through building a vision, and then set actionable goals to build that vision. A meaningful vision acts as your compass. It’s what guides your actions and keeps you aligned with the life you want to create. Once you have your vision, create process-oriented goals that let you experience your vision daily. Process-oriented goals make it easier to plan and track your progress. These should be actionable steps you’ll take to build the life you want. By the end of the year, you’ll have clear evidence of your growth and alignment with your vision. Here are three of my goals from 2024 and what I consider big accomplishments!
These are really simple resolutions because I’m focused on building a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with my values and allows me to feel fulfilled and well EVERY day. These accomplishments are proof that I’m living an aligned life! Align Your Resolutions. Transform Your Life. When you align your resolutions with your vision for your life and create actionable goals, you’ll experience clarity, growth, and unexpected opportunities. It all starts with defining what you truly want and committing to the actions that will make it a reality. These steps are simple but they’re not necessarily easy. It can be hugely beneficial to work through the process with someone who is trained to ask questions that help you uncover deep insights about what you want and what you can do to get there. I am so excited to offer you my 90-minute Rethinking Resolutions Sessions for a huge discount as a gift for showing up for yourself this year. This is a one-on-one session with me to build out your vision for optimal life and well-being, set process-oriented goals, and put a plan in place to take action on those goals immediately. Then, we’ll stay in touch and you can reach out for support over the next 14 days as you start to take action, come up against obstacles, and gain new insights. In this session, you’ll get clear on
Normally $297, this session is available for just $97 to help you start 2025 aligned and inspired. Click here to book your session. P.S. January is a great time to do this because there’s a collective energy of new beginnings, but it’s also a time when the Earth is telling us to go within, rest, and rejuvenate. If you’re finding this article in the springtime or mid-summer or preparing for back to school season or steeling yourself before the holidays, NOW (whenever that is for you) is the perfect time to create your vision and some resolutions so you can live more in alignment with who you truly are and who you want to become in the next phase of your life. Let's rethink your resolutions now. Take this as a sign from the universe to dive into your vision and goals. Let's rethink your resolutions now. Easeful living is a way of experiencing life. It’s not something you do. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a part of your identity. It’s the result of living in alignment with your values, a way that adds meaning to your life. It’s an experience of flow, purpose, peace, fulfillment, relaxation, ease, gentleness, intention, joy, knowing you’re on the right path. It’s knowing that everything is working for your highest good and when you do what is in alignment and best for you, things will always work out. It’s an embrace of something more personal and profound: who you truly are, what you genuinely want, and how you choose to live, no matter what anyone else thinks. Most people these days are living the opposite of easefully. They’re forcing themselves to live within the confines of what society deems is “right,” constantly feeling like they should be doing things differently or doing more in order to achieve success and fulfillment. They’re chasing socially constructed markers of success that have nothing to do with what they really want from life. Take a moment to take a deep breath in and then exhale and try to release any external pressures and opinions you’re carrying that make you feel wrong for living the way you are or wanting what you want. Do it again and exhale DEEPLY…let it GO. How does it feel? For me, the feeling of ease didn’t come naturally. I’ve spent more than my fair share of time stressing about things that didn’t matter in the end, trying to live up to external expectations and aiming for “perfection” (whatever that means). It’s exhausting. What I’ve discovered is that easeful living isn’t about perfection—it’s about authenticity, intention, and balance. Releasing Expectations and Embracing Authenticity In health and wellness alone, there’s an overwhelming amount of advice and information available to us: what to eat, how to exercise, how to sleep, what habits to adopt. It’s impossible to follow it all—and let’s be honest, you shouldn’t try to. Every body is different, and every life is unique. What works for someone else may not work for you. Easeful living begins with releasing external expectations. It’s letting go of the endless “shoulds” that society imposes on us. It’s stepping away from the idea that there’s one “right” way to do things and embracing the idea that your way is the only way that matters. For example, during a particularly hectic week last December, I found myself facing a holiday party with an optional white elephant gift exchange and a festive dress code. I hadn’t prepared a gift, and I didn’t have a holiday sweater to wear. For a moment, I felt disappointed in myself for not planning better or being a more festive person. But then, I had to accept that I’m just not a holiday-sweater-gift-giving type of person, and that’s okay. I DID bake cookies for the party, which I love to do, and I was showing up to spend time with people I cared about. That’s what counted. Easeful living doesn’t mean doing nothing or shirking responsibility—it means doing what’s meaningful to you and letting go of the rest. Intentional Self-Discovery and Boundaries After you release the expectations of others, you have the space to discover what you want, what brings you joy and purpose, and what aligns with your values. Answering these questions isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary. It involves quieting the external noise—especially from social media, where endless wellness trends make us feel like we’re falling short. Meditation, journaling, gratitude practices, fitness regimens—they can all be effective tools. But they’re not one-size-fits-all solutions. Take time to explore what works for you. Maybe meal prepping on Sundays feels easeful because it eliminates daily decision fatigue and effort. For others, cooking a meal every night is relaxing or a way to show love for their family. Perhaps meditation stresses you out, but dancing energizes you. Maybe a Friday night out with friends is the perfect way to unwind at the end of the week, or maybe that sounds like a nightmare and you’d rather curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. Easeful living is about identifying the practices and routines that help you thrive, not adopting someone else’s formula for life. Equally important are the boundaries you set to protect your peace. This is a huge challenge for my clients. As women who want to impact the world, it can be hard to say no. We want to help others, be selfless, make a difference….so we tend to put our needs last. This is not an effective strategy for long-term impact or easeful living. If you are not well, you will not be able to show up for those who need you most. When I was working 14 hour days as a teacher, I was less emotionally and intellectually available for my students. My patience would run thin and I missed many joyful moments with my sweet students because I was exhausted and cranky. I was crawling through each day, LIVING for the weekends, and always counting down to the next break. I was not present in my work or my life. I had no boundaries. I said yes to “everything,” but “everything” didn’t include ME, it was just job stuff. I lived this way for almost four years until I came to the realization that, while I got a sense of purpose from my job, I didn’t want that to be my WHOLE life. If I wanted a life bigger than just being “Ms. Proulx,” I had to start saying “no” in my job, and I had to figure out what I wanted and needed to say “yes” to. Easeful living asks us to bring intention to how we spend our time and energy. We can’t do everything, and trying to will only lead to burnout. By focusing on what matters most to us, we free ourselves to live with more ease. I have an awesome free resource I'd love to share with you to help you with this step. "Life in Alignment: A Practical Guide to Living Your Values" will help you uncover your core values, assess how well you’re honoring them in your daily life, and create a personalized plan to live more in tune with who you truly are. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or just seeking more purpose, this guide will empower you to live a more balanced, fulfilled life. Balancing Pleasure with Purposeful Wellness The final component of easeful living is balancing present-moment enjoyment and long-term well-being. This distinction can be seen in two types of happiness: hedonic and eudaemonic.
When you give into every whim simply for the pleasure of feeling good in the moment, you experience big swings in your energy and mood--feeling really really good and really really bad (red graph). You eat a sleeve of cookies and they taste so good, but then you feel like crap. You crash on the couch after work because you're tired and it feels good to rest, but then you can't sleep at night because you didn't move your body all day, and you continuously live in this sluggish cycle. You have a glass of wine every night to wind down, but then it wreaks havoc on your sleep. The alternative is living with a little bit more discipline (which is simply giving up what you want in the present moment for something bigger you want in the future). Say no to the wine, dessert, and Netflix binge. Say yes to the exercise, reduced screen time, and earlier bed time. As you start, you will feel disappointed or annoyed or maybe even a little restricted, but the result will be expansive and it'll be so worth it. Eudaemonic wellness, while not always "fun," creates a steady, elevated baseline of joy and purpose that we get to experience every day. While it may not deliver the same dramatic highs as hedonic pleasures, it fosters a life that feels more meaningful and satisfying overall. As for the lows, it won't eradicate problems from your life, but you'll be better able to cope with the challenges of life that inevitably arise. Easeful living invites us to adopt lifestyle practices that enhance this deeper sense of wellness. It’s about subtracting the things that don’t serve us and making room for the things that do. For instance, my mornings feel easeful when I get up on my first alarm rather than hitting snooze five times (*cough* that used to be me). My energy around food feels more easeful when I choose to make a high-protein breakfast in the morning, which starts my day off with energy and leads me to make better choices for my easeful life throughout the day. I also like to fit in a few minutes of mindfulness and take a moment to set my intentions for the day. These practices align with my values and help me to stay present in my life. At the same time, I don’t feel pressured to cram in every “good” habit. While social media might suggest that I should meditate for an hour, journal extensively, and practice gratitude daily, I know that balance matters. Instead, I focus on the activities that support my easeful life while leaving space for joy, spontaneity, and rest. Let’s be clear, this isn’t me telling you how to create your easeful life. If you have pets or children, your mornings may look different. Maybe your easeful morning includes spending quality time with your (fur) babies. You get to define what leads to your eudaemonic happiness and long-term well-being. Remember, shut out the external voices telling you what you “should” be doing and define it for yourself. A Life Designed for You Easeful living is ultimately about designing a life that feels expansive, intentional, and uniquely yours. It’s not about doing more but about doing what truly matters. Imagine a day where you wake up feeling rested, savor a warm cup of tea, and head to a job that feels meaningful. You move your body and eat nourishing foods. After work, you engage in activities that bring you joy—whether it’s knitting, playing a board game, or cooking a delicious meal. You end the day feeling fulfilled, knowing you spent your time in alignment with your values and life you want both now and in the future. This is easeful living. It’s the exhale, the sigh of relief that comes from knowing you don’t have to do everything. It’s the joy of choosing what’s right for you. So take a deep breath. Let go of the pressure. And give yourself permission to live with ease. Y’all 😭 I thought I was getting stronger.
I’ve been on a journey to incorporate more consistent strength training into my exercise routine over the last two-ish years. It’s been marred with injuries (like an almost broken tailbone— not from working out, but a setback nonetheless) transitions, and exploration, but in the last few months, I finally started to notice myself getting stronger. Then my routine was shaken up again when I moved back to Colorado a couple of weeks ago (did you know??). So I’ve set out yet again to figure out a new strength training routine. In my first week, I tried some safe workouts that I knew would be familiar (like Pilates) and some new ones (like Orange Theory). But all the workouts I did last week I liked. And then this week came Mecha. Monday morning at 7 AM, I showed up feeling strong and excited for class, but as the instructor started to explain all the exercises we were going to do, my heart started racing, my stomach dropped, and I had the instinct to run (out of class, not like run exercise). That doesn’t happen to me too often, but I literally felt the need to escape the room. Just writing about it right now makes me want to laugh-cry. But I stayed. And did (or tried) most of the exercises. I couldn’t do everything (hello pull-ups), but I could do some things I thought there was no way I’d be able to do (think: hip thrusts with 105 pounds or barbell landmine with 45 pounds)! But I was so proud of myself for staying and going through it despite the discomfort and challenge. And yet… I bought a three class intro pack, so I have to go to two more classes, and my nervous system is making me think I should not go. Just thinking about showing up to the next class makes me want to real cry (not laugh-cry). But I’m going to go because when I think about my goal to get stronger, I know those results are on the other side of these classes. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, and yes, it’s probably not the most enjoyable form of exercise I could do, but the satisfaction I get from pushing through the challenge and the growth (of my muscles and my mind) are ultimately what I want to get from my workouts. And I remind myself that it’ll maybe get a little easier the more I go. (Anyone remember ice baths?) __ I’ve been been thinking a lot lately about change. As a wellness coach, I talk to a lot of people who want more energy, want to lose weight, want better relationships, want better sleep, etc., but they’re not willing to make the changes necessary to have those experiences they desire. Somehow, they think that they can keep doing what they’ve been doing (which put them on the struggle bus in the first place) and their life and health will eventually get better. But it’s just not gonna happen. If you want your life to change, you have to change your life. Change is hard. Living a healthy lifestyle is hard. The world nowadays conspires against our best efforts to make it really challenging for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I’m not going to get on my soap box about that today but I'll share more about that soon. We are living in an era of instant gratification that makes people not want to put forth effort for anything because there’s usually a quicker, “easier” solution available that gives us a hit of dopamine and makes us think it’s the right decision, if only for a moment. We need to feel satisfied for a moment. We can’t stand to feel the discomfort of boundaries and limits and saying no. But quick fixes never work long-term. The only way to truly live in alignment with your purpose, feel fulfilled, and experience your optimal life is to do the hard things until they become easier…and then go find the next hard thing that’ll continue to push you to grow and evolve, and so on. It’s not always going to be fun or something you necessarily want to do. But sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do in the moment if it’s going to yield the life we want to live at some point in the future. And the satisfaction of doing something we know is good for us even though it’s hard in the moment can be satisfaction enough to keep going. Like a really hard workout class. __ Here’s another example. I was listening to an interview about weight loss drugs with a neuroscientist who runs a weight loss company focused on behavioral health for her patients. She does not prescribe these drugs. Instead she prescribes intensive lifestyle prescriptions to help clients overcome food addiction and transform their lifestyles. She said one thing she requires of her clients is to stop eating sugar…forever. My first thought was “😱 no way would I do that…” I used to believe that extreme lifestyle changes like this were never necessary and wouldn't last, but sometimes, they are. If I knew that stopping eating sugar would solve a lot of the problems I was experiencing in my life—even if I would miss it and be sad I couldn’t eat delicious things and worried about feeling so restricted—I would do it (with support, of course). I'm sure it would be challenging at first, but as soon as I started to see my issues fall away and crave sugar less, it'd be a lot easier to keep going. The pros would far outweigh the cons. I’m not telling you to stop eating sugar—not everyone needs that drastic of a change—but I am inviting you to consider the things you’ve been resisting because they’re “too restricting” or “too time intensive” or “too hard.” There will always be trade-offs to making changes to your lifestyle. Yes, it’ll be hard. Yes you’ll have to give up things you once enjoyed that brought you some sense of satisfaction. And yes, it’ll be worth it. Your entire experience of life will be elevated. You’ll feel better physically with more energy, less aches and pains, and more confidence. Mentally, your outlook on life will improve because you’ll feel better. Spiritually, you’ll feel more connected to your purpose. So the sacrifice is worth it. It can be hard to believe it’s possible to feel better when you’re stuck on the struggle bus, but I guarantee you it is. So how do you do it. The first step is to get clear on what you want to experience and why. Then, you get comfortable with being uncomfortable for a little bit. It’s not easy, but it can be simple and easeful with the right information and support. Take the next step towards your Well Life with a proven strategy: The Easeful Living Blueprint The Easeful Living Blueprint is my coaching program for purpose-driven women who want to make an impact in the world and serve others but have an empty tank and need support figuring out how to refill it. In the program, you’ll map out a blueprint for a more easeful life—one where you are doing more of what fills you up and less of what doesn’t, so you can live well now and for decades to come. We start by defining your vision and values—we have to figure out what’s most important to you and where you want to go before we chart out a path to get there. Then, I help you set goals, come up with action steps, overcome challenges (there will always be barriers to success), and stay accountable to your vision of your optimal life and health. This is a fully customized program, designed to support you in the areas of your well-being and life that need the most love. We can work on anything from diet and exercise to sleep and mindfulness to building community and more. You’ll have everything you need, including tools, information, and one-on-one support, to help you meet your goals and transform your life. If you know you're ready, or you know you need to change your lifestyle but don’t know where to begin, let’s talk! I’d love to hop on a free clarity call with you to discuss your challenges and how I can support you on your journey. I am always hesitant to speak up about anything controversial, but I’m done playing small because the stakes are too high and your well-being is at risk. I believe anyone who has a platform can and should use it to connect with people who resonate with them morally. Especially as a healer who helps people navigate their wellness journey, it would be a disservice for me to NOT acknowledge the collective grief and fear many of us are feeling after the presidential election this week.
We live in a time pretty much everything has become political. Health is political. Food is political. Religion and spirituality are political. Relationships are political. Family is political. Our bodies are political. We can no longer ignore the fact that what’s happening on a national and global stage has very real impacts on all aspects of our health and well-being. So I will not brush this under the rug and go on business as usual. As a coach who works with women who care deeply about people and the world, I want to make it abundantly clear that I hold a safe space for women who are feeling fearful, confused, hopeless, despondent, and angry about how this country clearly does not care about us and our well-being. And I help them practice self-care as an act of resistance. As women, you must understand that no one is going to give you “permission” to take care of yourselves or make yourselves a priority. You have to claim that for yourself. I want you to know that I am committed to supporting women who are done with the capitalistic, patriarchal BS; women who recognize they have to be the ones to make a change in their lives because it’s now very clear the system isn’t going to pave the way for them. Coming to this realization might feel lonely, frustrating, or confusing. My reaction to Tuesday’s election results was to isolate and feel sorry for myself. But I had to remind myself that I’m not the only one going through this, and I cannot let my fear isolate me from others. There are allies out there, and there is healing available in community. Community is so important for our healing. Of course, part of the process of healing is individual, but ultimately, we can’t do it alone. So for those of you who are feeling sad, scared, mad, judgmental…I encourage you to seek connection and support outside of yourself to help you keep putting one foot in front of the other, because we can’t stop. And this is not the final word. I don’t expect you to feel better after reading this message. But I hope you feel seen and know that you are still worthy of care, and you get to choose to claim it for yourself, always. And I hope you remember that staying connected with others is almost always going to be a beautiful way to nurture yourself through the ups and downs of life. The work we're doing here together is bigger than just changing your diet or helping you find some friends. This work is helping to build yourself up physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so you can continue to show up meaningfully in the spaces that need your brilliance and be a light in this world. I write all of this knowing that we as women will have to continue to fight for our humanity and dignity to be recognized. Today, that feels heavy, and tomorrow, I will keep fighting so we all get to experience ease and peace in our lives (which seems totally contradictory, but I have to believe it’s possible). And I find solace in knowing we don’t have to do it alone. When I was a teacher, I loooooved to work myself to the bone and sacrifice my own life and health for the “good” of my students.
I would work 10, 12, 14 hour days. I would skip workouts and meal prepping to “get more work done” (though the truth is, I was so depleted that in those extra hours of work, I wasn’t really getting anything done). It took me years to figure out that I wasn’t actually helping anyone by giving all of myself to my vocation. When I wasn’t taking care of myself, I was impatient and tired and got frustrated easily, and I wasn’t the best teacher I could be. I resented my colleagues for not working like I was and getting to enjoy their lives. I resented the education system and families that seemed to demand more of my time and effort every single day. And I resented having to show up for anyone in my life who needed me. I love helping others, but I don’t want to spend my entire life only helping others. With my entire focus on my job, I was neglecting friendships and hobbies and my health. For me, that wasn’t the recipe for a full life. I don’t believe you or I were put here to suffer in service of others. Living out the full expression of your purpose means doing the work that you feel you’re meant to do AND taking care of yourself and getting to enjoy life! And it’s a choice you get to make. Being driven by a purpose can consume you if you let it. You have to be intentional and choose yourself everyday, knowing that putting yourself first is in the highest service of the people you help and serve. And sometimes putting yourself isn’t easy or exciting (e.g., exercising, eating healthily, getting quality, consistent sleep), but it is necessary to get to enjoy everything else, like showing up fully with friends and loved ones, doing your best at your job, and all the fun things you get to experience in life. Have you heard the financial advice to pay yourself first?
Some experts say that before you pay your bills and debts and spend your money, you should put money into savings for yourself. The alternative to this is paying everyone else and then saving whatever is left over. With the second method, you end up living paycheck to paycheck, stressing about finances and not getting a retirement because you never have money saved for emergencies and splurges and long-term needs. When you pay yourself first, you’re putting money into savings and retirement accounts and that money grows over time. Not only does that mean that you have a safety net, but the interest you earn on that money compounds and after decades, you have way more money than you put in. The same goes for your health and well-being. If you spend all your time and energy doing things for other people, how much do you have left in the tank at the end of the day for yourself? Probably not much. Not only is this not good for you in your daily life right now, but in the long-run, you’ll be unwell and unable to fully enjoy the later years of your life. You have to pay yourself first, but with movement, sleep, mindfulness, nourishing foods, and social connection. And that investment compounds over time, meaning you get to enjoy a high quality of life for a long time. Your health is just as valuable an asset as your money, if not more. Health is THE thing that makes everything else possible. You MUST take care of yourself before you take care of others if you want to keep doing it. In addition to being a wellness coach, I’m also an amateur baker! Ironic, I know.
When I started my gluten-free baking business just over a year ago, I did all the cost analyses to figure out what would be an appropriate price for each cookie and loaf of banana bread and brownie based on the cost of everything that was going into it (ingredients, equipment, packaging, electricity, labor, booth fees, etc.). This gave me a greater appreciation for the cost of high-quality products of all kinds — food, beauty and cleaning products, clothes, services, and more. It just costs money to make and offer things. The other day, I saw a tv commercial for a fast food chain that said you can get a loaded burger and fries and a soda for just $5. I was selling one cookie for that price! Can you imagine the quality of the meat and vegetables and oils (not to mention how much they pay their workers) to be able to sell all that for $5 and still make a profit? Yikes! But I guess you get what you pay for. The same can be said for services. Paying for a high-quality service means that you’re getting elevated expertise, more comprehensive and in-depth support, and the person’s heart and mind on your life not only while delivering the services but throughout the time you’re working with them (and beyond!). When we seek cheap solutions and quick fixes for our health woes, we’re going to get the same thing in return — cheap solutions and short-lived results that don’t actually solve our challenges in the short-term and certainly don’t lend themselves to lifelong health. Yes, the cost is going to be higher now for quality, meaningful, effective solutions, but that is offset by the costs of medical problems and reduced quality of life in the long-run. So when you’re evaluating the costs of living a healthier lifestyle, whether that’s buying organic foods or paying for a gym membership or investing in a coach, know that you’ll get what you pay for, not only in the short-term but also for lifelong wellness (or illness, if you so choose). How can you invest in your health this week, either with your money OR your time? |
AuthorHi! I'm Elaine and it is my joy to help purpose driven women find harmony between their desire to make a difference in the world and their need to nourish their body, mind, and spirit. Archives
January 2025
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